Maccabi’s 35-year old skipper Sheran Yeini spoke about the team recovering from the two points dropped at Ashdod: “We really believe in our ability and I don’t think there is a reason for any pressure, we are athletes competing in sport and can’t always guarantee victories. An away match at Ashdod is a tough fixture for any team. Ashdod are an excellent side, we reached our chances and strongly believe in ourselves as a team”.

Yeini, who is playing his 19th season at Maccabi paid tributes to the fans for their support: “I don’t think I ever witnessed in all my years at Maccabi such support specifically at this stadium in Ashdod. It was fantastic as with this level of support we felt it was like a home match. The fans’ support is obviously important for us as the fact they are showing their connection to us is good. They love to see us play and all want to be part of the teams’ success. We expect to see them all at Bloomfield on Saturday”.