The brand new Bloomfield Stadium opens it gates after three years of renovations and improvements.
The main emphasis of the renovation process was to preserve the unique characteristics of the Jaffa stadium, such as the structure of the stands and their proximity to the pitch, while upgrading the facility to the highest standards of UEFA.
The new Bloomfield has approximately 29,000 seats, including 10 are luxury boxes, an upgraded VIP facility and convenient access points for the physically challenged.
Gold Section
- Central location on the western side of Bloomfield Stadium
- One of the best views of the pitch in the stadium and is directly in the center and is shielded by the roof.
- The entrance to the Gold Section is via Gate 1
- parking pass for one of the parking lots in the stadium area.

תא זהב ()
Silver Section West
- The Silver Section West is on the western side of Bloomfield Stadium and are part of Gates 2/13.
- The Silver section is not a separate section and will include the first five rows of each Gate.
- Those seated in the Silver Section will be as close to the pitch as possible as well as the team benches and the players with one of the best sight-lines in the stadium.
- The seats in the section are reserved.

תא כסף מערבי ()
South Sections
- Sections 10 and 11 on the southern side of the stadium are known for their legendary status amongst Maccabi Tel Aviv fans.
- These are unreserved seating sections and are first come, first served.

יציע דרומי ()
East Sections
• Located at Gates 7/8
• A variety of new seats and seating options at various prices
• A family area for parents and children in blocks 419-422.

יציע מזרחי ()
Silver Section East
- Silver Section East Blocks 221-229 – Is similar to the West section and includes the first 5 rows in each section (10/11).
- The Silver Section is a separates area which includes the first 5 rows in each block.
- Island Section offers the closest seats to the action and the payers on the pitch
- The seats in the section are reserved.