Maccabi foundation host wounded soldiers for Shavuot

he Maccabi Tel Aviv FC foundation continues its support of wounded soldiers from the Swords of Iron war with a visit of the Rehabilitation center at Tel HaShomer hospital

The Maccabi Tel Aviv FC foundation hosted a special meal ...

Israeli heroes: The soldiers who inspired us all

Ido Belkin, Dvir Dangur and Kayam Bokra are IDF soldiers who were wounded during the war. Ahead of this year's Independence Day, they arrived in Kiryat Shalom and shared their stories in a powerful meeting with Maccabi's first team players. Watch the video clips

Watch Kayam Bukra’s story:

Watch Ido Belkin’s story:

A solemn song: The story of Shauli Greenglick. Watch

During the work on the song in memory of the Maccabi fan who was killed in action in Gaza, Michal, the sister of Shauli Greenglick, and Maccabi's first team player, Avishay Cohen, sat down for an emotional chat about his life story, the strong connection with his boyhood friend Gabi Kanichowsky as well as his spine-tingling post for 'The next Israel star'. Watch the feature in his memory

The story of grandfather ‘Mimi’

Pinchas Schafer who survived the Holocaust atrocities where he lost his parents and sisters, fought for the Independence of the young Israeli state where he raised a large family. His loving grandson, Elad Schulman, recalls the memory and tells his story

The story of my grandfather, Pinchas Schafer, or the way ...

The last survivor who raised a glorious family

Moshe Abramowitz lost his family in the Holocaust. Despite all the hardships, he survived and immigrated to Israel raised a glorious family. Amongst other things he fell in love with Maccabi and turned his son Shuki, one of our business partners ATRADE into a die hard fan. This is his story

During my childhood I was surrounded by a warm loving ...

An evening in memory of fans killed and murdered during the war

Families of the 96 Maccabi fans who lost their lives since the beginning of the war, were invited by the club for an event ahead of Pessach.

Maccabi Tel Aviv FC held an emotional event at Bloomfield ...

Kfar Aza foxes

Ahead of the 2024 International women's day we had a close introduction to the mothers' stand of the Kfar Aza team which is supported by the Maccabi Foundation since October 7th.

They are not simply just mothers buy a venture uniting ...

Football on Saturday

Just before Saturday's home match against Bnei Sakhnin at Bloomfield, the FOREVER club enjoyed an exclusive activity at the special Fan-zone that upgraded their matchday experience. Watch

“A smile for several hours”: A tribute to the wounded soldiers

Bloomfield stadium opened its’ gates to the fans as the club took advantage to host 24 Maccabi fans who are soldiers that were wounded in the war. Watch the clip which documents their meeting with the players.

Maccabi Tel Aviv fans returned to Bloomfield stadium last night ...

Will remember forever: Sapir Bilmas R.I.P

A commemorative project in memory of the Maccabi fans who were murdered or killed during the Swords of Iron operation: Tanya Mugilevsky and Emily Yerman write about their friend who was murdered at the SuperNova music festival in Re’im, and call for assistance in collecting donations for an Ambulance to be named after her

Our Sapir was a beacon of light in the lives ...

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