Maccabi players lifted the championship plate tonight (Wednesday) for the second season in succession after a 1-0 victory over Beitar Jerusalem at Bloomfield stadium. At the end of the match and the celebrations, some of the championship star players took the time to sum up Maccabi’s amazing season.

The IPFL Player of the Season, Dan Glazer, who received the trophy tonight, said: “We really wanted our fans could be with us tonight. I am certain they were delighted with us from their homes. The championship plate is also theirs, we know they were with us”. 

On his personal achievement: “I always believed in myself. I never imagined it would come so quickly but I am delighted that all the hard work paid off. I never gave up, never cut corners and worked hard. I am delighted all this hard work was recognised by others, this is not something taken for granted that a holding midfielder who didn’t score a goal wins this trophy”.

Cohen: “I am always striving for more”

Yonatan Cohen, summed up the amazing season he experienced. “It is without a doubt my best season so far. When I look back I always strive to achieve more”.

On Maccabi’s strength the 24 year old forward, added : “This Maccabi is different. We arrived strong at every game, mentally strong especially after the slap in the face we received in Europe. Our defense begins upfront with the forwards as teams struggled to score against us. To concede only 8 goals is nothing short of amazing”.

On the progress he made: “I had a very nice journey, as I improved in every season and reached my conclusions. I am delighted I reached this stage in my career that I am a regular first team player and a significant one as well. My dream is to leave for Europe and make my dreams come true but now I am here celebrating a championship at Maccabi which is my home”.