Ido Shahar, who made a second half substitute appearance, against Ashdod, said: “There is a very big and wide squad, with plenty of players – everyone could start a match on a given day so we are always fighting for a place in the squad not just the starting line-up. To have so much competition where everyone gives the maximum, creates something good in the team. I am delighted I received some minutes and that the team won the match. During the second half in particular, the team played amazing football – it was a very important victory and I am delighted I got a chance to help the team.”

Shahar, cherished the opportunity he was given as he added: “The one thing I do know, is to enter the pitch and play when I am called on and give the maximum like I do every time.”

Shahar, who missed out on this summer’s U21 European Championship Finals after being left out of the squad in the last minute due to a medical condition, added: “I received the news in total shock, but one could take it in two ways. Obviously in the first couple of days I was far from happy, but after that I reached a decision. How do I emerge better and stronger from this situation, how do I build myself ahead of the season, how do I get myself and top form which is exactly what I did.”