Over the years Maccabi has played 291 matches against newly promoted teams. The record to date: 169 wins, 77 draws, 45 losses.

And what is the Yellow & Blue’s record in first round matches against newly promoted sides? 105 wins, 23 draws, 2 losses.

In 67 Israel football seasons, Hapoel Hadera has played 9 campaigns in the top league, 36 seasons in the 2nd division, 12 in the 3rd, 5 in the fourth and the fifth divisions.

Maccabi met Hadera 16 times in league play. The Yellow & Blue have won 9 contests, drew 3 and lost 4.

Miki Belo who holds the club’s appearance record played in 12 of 16 matches against Hadera. There have been 57 players in total that have played for Maccabi against Hadera. Dror Bar Nur is at the top of the goal scoring list with 5.

Other than Eliel Peretz and Hasan Abu Zaid who currently play for Hadera and who have played for Maccabi in the past, three other players have played for both in the first division, all of which are keepers – Haim Levin, Mordechai Michaeli and Shaul Ben-David.

To date there have been 65 rounds of matches that were led by promoted clubs. Hadera has done this 3 times so far this season.

There were two newly promoted clubs that won the league championship: Hapoel Ramat Gan in 1963/64 and Beitar Jerusalem in 1992/93.

Maccabi has played promoted clubs when they were in first place five times. The record: 1 win, 2 draws and 2 losses.